Impact100 NWF Menu of Volunteer Opportunities
Focus Area Committees
Members of Focus Area Committees are responsible for review of grant applications and site visits with applicants. Each committee then selects finalists. These committees meet early September through mid-October. Members can sign up for these committees on our website under the 2024 FAC Sign Ups tab. There are five focus area committees:
- Arts & Culture
- Education
- Environment, Recreation & Preservation
- Family
- Health & Wellness
Standing Committees
The following Standing Committees meet throughout the year. Members volunteer their talents and time to handle all of the duties and responsibilities needed by Impact100 of Northwest Florida, Inc. There is no paid staff so volunteers are very much appreciated and needed. We can tailor your volunteer service to your availability.
Membership Committee
The membership standing committees handle all aspects of member enrollment and member engagement, building community relationships and partnerships, as well as event planning, coordination & execution. Key areas and tasks include:
*Community Engagement:
Connecting with the community to develop strong relationships to build support for the Impact100 NWF mission. The committee seeks out potential corporate sponsors/business partners and other donors by requesting financial support or in-kind donations of services, venues, as well as food and beverages.
*Event Coordination:
Planning and executing Membership Enrollment & Informational Events, Membership Number Reveal, Grant Finalist Reveal (in coordination with the Grants Committee), as well as Member Summer Socials. Help with one event or all--your choice! There are many tasks involved in hosting the events from the beginning stages of planning to greeting attendees, working sign-in tables and clean-up after events.
*Membership Engagement:
Supporting and engaging current and future members on an ongoing basis to foster member retention. Specific tasks involve sending postcards to all renewing and new members, following up with guests from Enrollment & Informational events, calling new members to welcome them and answering questions that members may have.
For more info, send an email to:
Marketing and Communication Committee
The Marketing and Communication Committee coordinates and executes all marketing and communication functions with the goal of relaying a cohesive message to members, potential members, corporate sponsors/business partners and the community about the mission and activities of Impact100 NWF. Responsibilities include developing a marketing and communications strategy, creating and sharing talking points and messaging for the organization, communicating event information, creating event registrations, communicating all Annual Meeting information to members and sharing applicable information with the media. Methods used include print and social media, newsletters, member broadcast emails and texts, as well as use of the member management system and website.
For more info, send an email to:
Technical Support and Website Committee:
The Technical Support and Website Committee is responsible for assisting members with tech support so that they can fully utilize the Impact100 NWF member management system (MMS), ensuring that all members have either logged in to our system or have been otherwise informed about how to vote at the Annual Meeting for grant recipients. This committee also keeps our website up to date and engaging. You do not need any programming experience.
For more info, send an email to:
Annual Meeting Committee
The Annual Meeting Committee is responsible for planning and executing the Annual Meeting which is hosted by the Board of Directors (BOD) and is the event where the Impact100 Northwest Florida Members vote to determine grant recipients. This committee meets from late summer until the Annual Meeting in early November. Tasks include but are not limited to: selecting the venue & coordinating all aspects of the event with the venue staff, preparing print media, social media & press releases, selecting a photographer and coordinating the "shots list", coordinating decor, preparing for & finding members to work check-in/set-up/decorating, soliciting for door prize items, and providing grant finalist hospitality. This event takes many volunteers--there is something for everyone to help with.
For more info, send an email to:
Not sure what’s right for you?
Send an email to and someone will contact you about the options.