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One Hopeful Place

One Hopeful Place (OHP) is currently a 10-bed facility housing ten male individuals and veterans desiring to make a change in their lives.

People cannot receive the proper help they need to address underlying issues if they are struggling to meet their basic needs of human survival: food and shelter. Their purpose is to provide people with the basics of food and shelter which in turn will provide security so that they may find lifeline sustainability.

The current project for OHP is to build a long-term emergency shelter and rehousing program. The funds will be utilized to complete construction on the Phase II building at One Hopeful Place. This particular building will be able to house upwards of 75 individuals currently experiencing homelessness in Okaloosa County.

Upon completion, they will have relocated the current mens program into the Phase II building and the Phase I building will become the first ever single womens shelter in Okaloosa County as there is nowhere for women to go who are currently experiencing homelessness.  Once this building is complete, they will have enough shelter space to provide housing for 100% of individuals currently living on the streets in Okaloosa County.


Impact100 On Location One Hopeful Place 2018 Grant Recipient Click the picture below to see a video.



To the wonderful folks at IMPACT 100 NWFL,


One Hopeful Place was born out of generous hearts desperately wanting to address homelessness in Okaloosa and Walton Counties. Our mission has been to end homelessness but obtaining that goal is no small task. It is about us all coming together as a community and creating a practical and proven solution. Part of that puzzle has been increasing the number of beds at our facility so we can reach more people. It has always been part of the vision of our organization to see a state of the art, multi-bed facility, fully equipped with an industrial kitchen plus laundry and shower capabilities, all on one site. Making that dream a reality is the challenge.

Over the last two years we have seen so much of our goals and accomplishments met. New fencing was placed around the campus, we doubled our bed capacity at our current shelter; and opened a fully equipped medical facility on-site that provides mental and physical healthcare to our clients at no cost to them. All of this is possible because of the generosity of our community.

However, we have met many struggles as well and still faced the reality that there is no shelter dedicated to single women experiencing homelessness. So a full focus was put into completing our Phase II building so we could add an additional 75 beds, industrial kitchen, and other amenities. Thanks to the generous gift from IMPACT 100 what seemed like a-dream has now become reality. Our new kitchen facility will begin construction in November of 2019 and the entire facility is scheduled to be completed by the summer of 2020.

We are so blessed to receive this grant and countless lives will be saved and positively impacted as a result.

On behalf of our board, staff, volunteers, and residents, I thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart.


Nathan Monk
Executive Director
One Hopeful Place